High-performance films for optimum load unit securing

Prime Stretch machine stretch film
prime-stretch close-up (2)

The stretch films in the Prime Stretch product range are characterized by their versatility and high performance.

Thanks to its high stretch potential, Prime Stretch can achieve high retensioning forces while reducing film consumption. The result is long-term stable pallets, process reliability and improved sustainability.

High-quality raw materials and consistent processing quality

Thanks to its manufacture from high-quality raw materials and continuously monitored production processes, Prime Stretch can achieve a high degree of process reliability in combination with optimum wrapper settings. This ensures the long-term safety of pallets during transportation.

Technologies such as the innovative stretch system control system Kontrol 4.0 and our state-of-the-art stretch film inspection system, which our experts use to regularly get an accurate picture of the film quality.

prime-stretch bearing

Secure pallets more sustainably with Prime Stretch

Thanks to the high quality of Prime stretch films, film consumption can be drastically reduced in some cases without compromising pallet stability. This not only reduces costs, but also has a positive impact on the carbon footprint, as less film is produced and less packaging waste is generated.

Our packaging optimizers will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice to determine how your film consumption can be optimized in terms of transport safety, cost reduction and sustainability.